
Big country brand Annunciation Bird: more suitable for the Chinese body type of suit

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Looking at the development history of China's economy,China high-end suit factory   it is a development history of Chinese enterprises, but also a development history of national brands.
In the past, the number of Chinese brands in the world's top 500 companies was 0 in 1979, to 10 in the early 21st century, and to today, Chinese brands occupy 135 seats, and it is still increasing.
How do these powerful Chinese brands do it? Monday Qi, vice president of the China Garment Association, talked about the reasons at the forum on high-quality innovation and development in the field of suits, and focused on the Annunciation Bird, which continues to lead the growth of the industry.
He believes that Annunciation Bird's 40 years of deep cultivation in the field of suits, focusing on one thing, is the embodiment of the spirit of Chinese enterprises leading the future, but also the microcosm of the rise of Chinese brand groups.
According to Annunciation Bird's semi-annual report in 2021, China high-end suit factory the company achieved operating income of 1.975 billion yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 43.85% over the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to the parent company increased by 125.63% over the same period last year. Monday stressed that the long-term deep farming products of Annunciation bird are the key to its success.
"Focus, perfection, reputation, fast, these seven words are vividly reflected in the Annunciation bird."
Focus and perfection are the product-oriented production goals that Annunciation adheres to.
In the view of Annunciation Bird, the market has changed dramatically, and the old way of winning the world with a move of channels or brands is no longer feasible. Based on this background, Annhibird proposed the product "three high and one heavy" strategy, that is, high visibility, high quality, high style and heavy consumption experience.
At the product level, the company has created more than 100 process patents, and has continuously developed new products with outstanding designers at home and abroad. It has developed new style suits, very soft suits, non-adhesive lined suits, light cool suits and business general linen lined suits, leading the new trend of domestic men's wear.
In addition, in collaboration with fabric suppliers to develop unique fabrics, not only to ensure the basic needs of comfort and functionality of business suits, but also to take into account a variety of needs, trying to break the stereotype of the young generation of business men's wear.
A group of people, one thing, a lifetime. This is the insistence and focus of Annunciation Bird, adhering to the spirit of originality, focusing on the field of clothing, and creating a fashion life for the majority of consumers.
Fast is the principle of action, is the insight of Annunciation Bird on consumption trends, and is a response to national policies such as supply-side structural reform and Made in China 2025.
This year, the trend for a more casual lifestyle has led to a marked change in the younger generation's demand for formal wear.
"Deep insight into what consumers want and what they don't want requires empathy, empathy and empathy at every step of the way." This is what the Annunciation birds always insist on doing.
Since 2019, Annuncio has divided its product line into three major series of formal wear, light formal wear and casual wear, repositioning the dress needs of business elite men. For example, the "Infinite joy" series launched by Annunciation Bird Joint PRONOUNCE is a new interpretation of the bold and innovative male formal wear of the current generation Z.
Based on this understanding, Annunciation Bird also actively embraces digital transformation, deploys industry 4.0 intelligent production, creates cloud wing intelligent manufacturing platform system, explores a "personalized customization, large-scale production" enterprise development path, and establishes a high-quality brand model for the traditional clothing manufacturing industry.
Now in the smart workshop of Annunciation Bird, there is no tailor and pattern maker, but every worker on the assembly line sews different styles of clothes in an orderly manner. The material will be automatically transferred through the hanging system, and the production data of each garment will be automatically recognized by the equipment and displayed on the electronic screen in front of the station. From order to delivery, the time required for each garment has been reduced from an average of 15 days to 7 days, increasing production efficiency by 50%.
Behind this whole set of systems, is the cloud wing intelligent system developed by Annhei Bird with cloud factory, cloud customization, cloud data "three clouds" as the infrastructure. Here, all customized suits of enterprises can complete the whole process of ordering, production and delivery with the help of intelligent manufacturing, a more efficient supply chain management system.
The word of mouth, corresponding to the "one heavy" strategy of Annunciation bird: heavy consumption experience, but also beyond user expectations.
In order to make a suit more suitable for the Chinese body type, Annhei Bird has developed 8 large body type and 3 large suit type according to the body characteristics of Chinese men, and combined with the hundreds of millions of body size data accumulated by its platform, it can provide 20 trillion pieces of different version combinations, and provide 200,000 pieces of fabric and accessories data. In the smart store, consumers can automatically read personal data when standing in front of the screen, and the user's body size and style matching will be immediately generated.
Taking consumer demand as the starting point, using Internet technology to meet the personalized needs of users, China high-end suit factory  the newspaper bird has built a customer-centric backward transmission model, and achieved seamless connection between production and sales, truly meeting the personalized and fashionable needs of consumers "one version for one person, one dress for one style".
Today, through layers of innovation, Annunciation Bird, a national brand bred from imported products, has completed the transformation from imitation of the West to independent innovation, and realized the model leap of China's clothing industry.
In addition, the successful rise of local clothing brands represented by Annunciation Bird has also brought a series of significant changes to the consumption trend of Chinese clothing: more and more people began to accept from passive to active consumption, from indifference to pride.
In the past, the rise of suits was a symbol of reform and opening up, which gave birth to a number of Chinese enterprises that followed the international trend; Now, with the awakening of awareness, Chinese consumers no longer need just an expensive suit with a matching shirt, but a tailored suit with a high texture and absolute fit.
At this time, the Annuncia bird, which has focused on the manufacturing of suits for 40 years, stood out, dared to break the shackles of standard garments, aimed at "more suitable for Chinese people's body shape", and created their own suits for overseas people, becoming the maker of rules, and boosting the dream of Chinese brand power.
At present, with the 3-minute brand film "Irregular power" broadcast on CCTV, the brand concept of "breaking through the shackles of rules with innovative power and making suits more suitable for Chinese people" was presented one by one, and the brand spirit of Annunciation Bird was reflected - product is the foundation, culture is a feather, and influence is the power to take off.
To carry forward the clothing culture and make up a better life is the mission of Annunciation Bird. In their eyes, this mission is not so simple as written on the wall, but the spiritual guidance engraved in the bone, so that the Annunciation bird is always ready to catch up and cross, to create a new bureau.

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